Community Outreach
 We have been truly blessed these last 27 years here in Saginaw. In recent years we have been able to expand our ability to give back to the wonderful local communities who have so graciously welcomed and supported our effofts. In 2009 we were able to open the Morrow Center which houses our Free Thrift Store and a community meeting place. This entire project was completed through fundraisers and private donations from our gracious benefactors and made it possible for us to plan, build, open, and maintain the Morrow Center. This was all made possible by our outstanding Board of Directors, our Special Projects Team, and YOU...
 At the Free Thrift Store we are able to give back to the community by offering clothes, shoes, coats, housewares, books, toys, and other household items directly to anyone in need at no cost. This allows us in a small way to live out the Gospel, "You received without paying, give without pay."(Matthew (RSV) 10) So, as we have received freely through all the generous donations we're able to give back to those in need right here in our community and help spread the Good News. Every donation we receive is used... and whatever we are not able to use right here we offer back to community through the Free Thrift Store, or donate directly to other local charitable organizations.
 The Morrow Center also has a large conference room which is used staff and board meetings. The conference room also hosts many special activities, self-help groups, and twelve step meetings throughout the week. Call us for more details...

Other unique ways the Free Thrift Store pays it forward...

 Another way the Morrow Center benefits Emmaus House, our guests, and the community is in the area of employment skills. All our guests at Emmaus House perform some kind community service work and the Free Thrift Store is an execellent opportunity for our guests to learn real life job skills, accountability, and responsibility needed to help them on their journey to a new life. We are able to offer our guests service work in our Free Thrift Store under supervision of a store manager, with all the common workplace rules and ethics, as well as full and part time work scheduling. There are a variety of diffrent positions needed to keep our Free Thrift Store open and serving the community. These would include floor staff who sort, fold, stock, and put out items out in the store for our patrons. There is always a great need for volunteers that help to serve the 200-250 walk in customers we get each week. We also need drivers to pickup donations. This position would require workers have a drivers license and great attitude since they are dealing directly with our gracious donors on a daily basis. Here as well we can always use extra muscle (volunteers) for larger donations. Our guests are able to learn and put into practice all the common workplace skillsets desperately needed in todays economy. Check out our Get Involved page for more details.
 Surely this has been huge blessing God has given us... We hope to keep our Free Thrift Store operating to not only give back to our community through clothing and household goods but, also in helping our guests obtain real life experience which will help them to secure gainful employment in the future.


The name "Emmaus" is from the Bible,
Luke 24:13-34.

In the Bible, it designates the story of Jesus who walks with two of His disciples returning home from Jerusalem on the "road to Emmaus", a city. Our hope is that our women while here, will meet Jesus on their journey toward a better life.